Tim Hughes
Here I Am to Worship
Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
Here I a... [查看歌词]
それは僕(ぼく)だけに 向(む)けられた優(やさ)しさだと思(おも)った
特別(とくべつ)だと 勘違(かんちが)いした She's right on time
愛(あい)は野(の)に咲(さ)くバラ(薔薇)の花(はな) 芽(め)が出(で)ればほんの少(すこ)しの
水(みず)だけで育(そだ)つのに She's so faraway
心(こころ)と体(からだ)にはいくつもの翼(つばさ... [查看歌词]
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship thee
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longet... [查看歌词]
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship thee
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longet... [查看歌词]