Smells Like Unkown - A Crowd Of Rebellion
Prize to be the one
The hundred millions
You must stay alive to be alive
What the fuck up
Our budd... [查看歌词]
This Is Liiiiiv[E] - A Crowd Of Rebellion
We are all missing in our life
All you can is rerease yourself
So, let it go. Shall we dance & fly
Did you know, This is a song for determination
... [查看歌词]
Choco Banana - Blak Suit
Chain of death never dies.
Isn't is enough?
I'm boring with this friend roll playing game.
Where is the clear voice?
Where is the clear voice?
Black anthem never... [查看歌词]
Never Say A Gain - A Crowd Of Rebellion
When the outer war is over, a war inside start.
When does it end?
"When you die." someone said.
Open up the glittering treasure box.
You'll face the... [查看歌词]