Sleeper - ERRA
Tossed around the idea of stepping off the edge
Hoping my fall lands into a familiar place
A familiar face, can we leave this space?
It reminds me of all my mistakes
(All my... [查看歌词]
Orchid - ERRA
As our world oscillates to shake the weak remains
show your strength
Resist all temptation to follow illusions
expressed with safety
Open up your wings, and fly to sanctuary
... [查看歌词]
Hourglass - ERRA
I've watched a lot of things crumble in my hands,
falling through my fingers like
grains of sand.
When the hourglass tips over on its side,
does it create infinite moments... [查看歌词]
Skyline- ERRA
Cityscape Skeletons
Taking shape and growing skin
Layer and layer is peeled away
From the repetition of always needing to rebuild
Worn down faces in colorful barr... [查看歌词]
Irreversible - ERRA
a sequence of events unfolding in reverse.
a sting better stimulated when revealing tragedy first.
reverse perception reversing imperfection.
be aware of ... [查看歌词]
Luminesce - ERRA
I'm spiraling out of control,
so you illuminate a clean slate.
You're lifting the weight
that is diluting inspiration.
I woke with the sun in my face,
mountains by my si... [查看歌词]
The Hypnotist - ERRA
These blackholes in my hands, so endless,
swallowing everything that I see.
This open wound in my chest, so endless.
Devour me.
Shameful desire, spreading like a wildf... [查看歌词]
Drift - ERRA
Take a breath.
Enter the unknown.
Watch your step.
It's an escape to the world anew.
Flood yourself with colors and senses on overload.
Sink inside yourself.
Watch out for... [查看歌词]
Dreamcatcher - ERRA
Nurtured by the spirits of the wilderness
The only mother we have left
She is the web in the willow hoop like feathers
We just hang in the air
Open arms to a mother’s g... [查看歌词]