我勿来火车站 就来去往火车站个路浪 - 顶楼的马戏团
有一个男人 there is a man
蹲勒路旁边 squatting at the side of the road
摊开副象棋 a set of Chinese chess in front of him
等我输拨伊 waiting for me to lose
有一个女人 there is a woman
表... [查看歌词]
我勿是男人 - 顶楼的马戏团
Oh my life
is wanna be your man
in every possible way
Oh my dream
is wanna be your man
in every impossible way
伊勿就是长了比我高 ain’t he just taller than me
伊勿就是卖相比我好 ain’t h... [查看歌词]
千万覅做顶马的乐手 - 顶楼的马戏团
侬覅以为做个乐手 don’t think that once you are in a band
小姑娘就会随便跟侬走 girls will easily go out with you
要晓得每趟演出好以后 in fact every time the show is over
侪是搿帮老男人勒海吃老酒 there only remain... [查看歌词]
野路子 - 顶楼的马戏团
阿拉侪是野路子 we are all amateurs
弹弹几只和弦就混混腔势 play some chords and goof around
从来也勿懂啥个乐理 we don’t know any music theory
学琴也没去过音乐学院 nor have been to the music college
随便弹弹 随便唱唱 we pl... [查看歌词]
我去spa 你去死吧 - 顶楼的马戏团
2012年个最后一天 the last day of 2012
顶马到宁波参加 Top Floor Circus went to Ningbo
搿年个跨年演唱会 to attend a new year’s eve gig
我勒台下头看板砖乐队 I was watching Banzhuan off the stage
等伊拉演好之后... [查看歌词]
小推车 - 顶楼的马戏团
小推车 推啊推 the pram and the wheelchair, let’s push
推过去 推过来 push to here, push to there
小推车 推起来 the pram and the wheelchair, let’s push
上青天 入大海 into the sky, into the sea
叫一声 小宝贝 ... [查看歌词]
谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 - 顶楼的马戏团
我一见钟情 侬心有灵犀 I love you, you love me
阿拉两家头还要谈钞票搿多伤感情 why should we talk about money
侬敲脱我电脑 我掼脱侬手机 I throw your cellphone, you smash my pc
谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情 a relationshi... [查看歌词]
呒没劲 - 顶楼的马戏团
老克拉请我吃咸蟹 味道老新鲜 an old gentleman invited me to eat salted crab and it tasted good
一边吃一边帮我讲做人个道理 and he told me the truth in life as he was eating
我讲侬做个咸蟹味道还是老赞的 I said that the sal... [查看歌词]
南方个南方 - 顶楼的马戏团
先生巩汉林 Mr. Gong Hanlin
生于1957年 Born in 1957
身材瘦刮刮 Has a bony build
两粒小眼睛 with beady eyes
先生巩汉林 Mr. Gong Hanlin
生肖是属鸡 Born in the Year of Rooster
星座天秤座 Under the sign of L... [查看歌词]
鬼帮人 - 顶楼的马戏团
有种人比鬼还要吓人 some human are more scare than devils
反而有种鬼还呒没人吓人 some devils are not as scare as human
人吓人要吓死脱人 human can scare human to death
鬼吓人侪是寻开心 devils scare human just for fu... [查看歌词]
往死里踏 - 顶楼的马戏团
一天早浪向 我乘勒公交车里向 one morning, I was on a bus
看到两只老太婆来讲脚踏车 seeing two old women talking about bicycle
我隔手一想我也会踏脚踏车 then I think to myself, I can ride a bicycle
为啥体勿去买一部 so why don... [查看歌词]
介小 - 顶楼的马戏团
侬是个漂亮女人 imagine you are a pretty woman
侬正好勒海做事体 you are just busy doing something
突然从旁边窜出一个人 suddenly someone jumped out from aside
一记头撩开了大衣 opened his coat right off
伊拉下了裤子拉链 ... [查看歌词]
我勿是男人 - 顶楼的马戏团
Oh my life
is wanna be your man
in every possible way
Oh my dream
is wanna be your man
in every impossible way
伊勿就是长了比我高 ain’t he just taller than me
伊勿就是卖相比我好 ain’t h... [查看歌词]
我勿来火车站 就来去往火车站个路浪 - 顶楼的马戏团
有一个男人 there is a man
蹲勒路旁边 squatting at the side of the road
摊开副象棋 a set of Chinese chess in front of him
等我输拨伊 waiting for me to lose
有一个女人 there is a woman
表... [查看歌词]
地铁机器人 - 顶楼的马戏团
we are the robots~
每天早上向个地铁里要轧煞人 every morning the subway is bloody crowded
有种人个嘴巴里还叼了只蛋饼 some people still have an omelet in his mouth
坐勒海个眼睛一闭来念心经 those who sit with their e... [查看歌词]
崇明岛 - 顶楼的马戏团
崇明岛勒海上海市区个北面 Chongming island is in the north of Shanghai
伊是中国个第三大岛 it is the third biggest island in China
岛浪向生态环境保持了老好 the environment is very good
乌小蟹到处乱爬 there are crabs cra... [查看歌词]
请将我个骨灰撒向人间 - 顶楼的马戏团
烦恼是越来越多 more and more to worry about
感动却越来越少 less and less of being touched
是我个要求忒多 am I asking for too much
还是失去个还忒少 or I just lost too little
我走过多少路 how many mistakes... [查看歌词]
老轻老轻个歌 - 顶楼的马戏团
我想写一支老轻老轻个歌 I want to write, a soft soft song
搿支歌呒没一眼份量 not heavy
也呒没一眼深度 nor profound
我想唱一支老轻老轻个歌 I want to write, a soft soft song
搿支歌听勿出欢乐 not happy
也听勿出痛苦 nor triste
... [查看歌词]
我想为你唱一首顶楼马戏团的歌 - 顶楼的马戏团
阳光从屋顶的天窗撒下来 the sun shines through the skylight
把我们的被子照成亮黄色的 dyeing our quilt into brilliant yellow
这个温暖的中午 飘着青草的香味 this warm noon smells of green grass
我们就把手紧紧地握着了 t... [查看歌词]
老清新 - 顶楼的马戏团
今朝打开信箱 today I opened my letterbox
收到张明信片 there’s a postcard inside
搿是海龙寄自珠峰大本营 it was sent by Hailong from Mount Everest
明信片个正面印了 on the postcard has a picture
珠穆朗玛峰金光锃亮 of r... [查看歌词]