Tell A Lie (Acoustic) - Dresses
When we tell a lie, we watch it float
Into clouds and worlds we can’t control
In the mean time,
birds go on and sing their honest songs
Had you left yoursel... [查看歌词]
Painting Roses (Acoustic) - Dresses
We were out painting roses red
without accomplishment
When a thorn caught the thread of my skin
And it unravelled like binding from a bible
Only to disc... [查看歌词]
Blew My Mind - Dresses
You blew my mind when we were swinging in a dream
You said, "watch me I'll swing so high
I'll be stuck up in the trees"
And so ya did
I forgot it was a dream and so ... [查看歌词]
Im a little sun shy when the sun shines on the wrong day
and i believe my bed is a constant bearer of these sun shades
cuz im a little sun shy when the ... [查看歌词]
Sun Shy - Dresses
I'm a little sun shy
when the sun shines on the wrong day
And I believe my bed
is a constant bearer of these sun shades
Cuz I'm a little sun shy
when the sun light beck... [查看歌词]