呒没劲 - 顶楼的马戏团
老克拉请我吃咸蟹 味道老新鲜 an old gentleman invited me to eat salted crab and it tasted good
一边吃一边帮我讲做人个道理 and he told me the truth in life as he was eating
我讲侬做个咸蟹味道还是老赞的 I said that the salted crab was very good
伊讲咸蟹就算再好吃还是呒没啥劲 he said however good it tastes life is still boring
讲来讲去其实还是女人顶有劲 “after all it’s women that interest me most
但是老是盯牢一只女人肯定也呒没啥劲 but being hooked on one woman is also boring
老阿哥我搿辈子呒没白活各种味道侪尝遍 I’ve lived many years; I’ve experienced all kinds of women
到今朝算算已经弄脱了五十几只女人 up to now I’ve slept with more than fifty women”
我问葛末侬到底欢喜哪恁样子个女人 so I asked which kind of women he likes the best
伊讲我最欢喜埃种身材小悠悠个女人 he said that he likes those of small figure
但是身浪向肉要多 覅瘦得象排骨精 but she should be plump rather than skinny
我顶恨埃种模子长一埋大一埋个女人 and he hates the most those who are strong and heavy
我又问伊最近阿有弄过啥个嗲女人 then I asked whether he had slept with any good woman recently
伊讲最近天气开始转冷 实在是呒没情绪 he said he was not in the mood since it’s getting cold
年纪大了顶顶要紧懂得保养好身体 “when you get old, the most important thing is to take care of your body
搿两天最多蹲勒屋里向放两盘毛片 these day I just stay home and watch some AV”
我讲阿拉朋友去香港看了《肉蒲团》还是3D I said my friend had gone to Hongkong and seen Sex and Zen in 3D
搿部电影里向有相当多个唯美的画面 it has quite a lot finely shot scenes
伊讲搿种垃圾三级片就算拍到100D he said such trashy porno even if you shoot it in 100D
也只好拿乃搿帮小屄养子野人头骗骗 only you these young boys will be taken in
侬要晓得乃是春天个落苏 我是冬天的酱瓜 you should know that I’m the pickled cucumber in winter while you are the eggplant in spring
乃是刚出厂个战斗机 我是快退休个轰炸机 I’m the bomber ready to retire while you are the warcraft which has just left the factory
女人就是女人 还要帮伊劈啥死人个感情 a woman is a woman, you don’t need to talk too much to her
搿帮拍三级片个戆屄养子实在(绝对)是呒没劲 those stupid porno makers are definitely boring
侬要晓得乃是春天个落苏 我是冬天的酱瓜 you should know that I’m the pickled cucumber in winter while you are the eggplant in spring
乃是刚出厂个战斗机 我是快退休个轰炸机 I’m the bomber ready to retire while you are the warcraft which has just left the factory
女人就是女人 还要帮伊劈啥死人个感情 a woman is a woman, you don’t need to talk too much to her
搿帮拍三级片个戆屄养子实在(绝对)是呒没劲 those stupid porno makers are definitely boring
★ 没什么好怕
★ 做我自己
★ Hello
★ 天天看到你
★ 一瞬之光
★ 女朋友
★ 920