姆妈 - 顶楼的马戏团
勒外婆眼里侬永远是伊放心勿下个小女儿 in grandma’s eyes you are a little girl that she keeps worrying about
往我屋里个冰箱里塞满侬自家包个大馄饨 who fills my fridge with big wontons you made
我终于学会去尊重侬简朴得勿能再简朴个习惯 finally I began to respect your plain living
侬摸了摸我新买个Levis破了洞个牛仔裤 you touched my new Levis jeans with holes on it
侬讲“小人 我搞勿懂 我真个搞勿懂 you said “boy, I don’t understand, really
就算送拨我 我也勿要 为啥新裤子会有洞” even you give it to me for free, I won’t take it. Why does a new pants have holes on it”
我还弹勒海侬买拨我 我个第一把电吉他 I’m still playing the first electric guitar you bought me
侬担心自家个高度近视眼有一天真个会瞎脱 you worried your highly myopic eyes will get blind one day
到今朝侬也勿理解为啥我会选择跟爸爸生活 today you still wonder why did I choose to live with my father
勒梦里向侬背好旅行袋勒登机口帮我讲再会 in my dream you waved goodbye to me at the boarding gate with your luggage
侬讲“小人 我可能要离开侬蛮长一段辰光 you said “boy, I will be away for quite a long time
下趟侪要靠侬自家照顾好侬自家” you should take care of yourself from now on”
勒我婚礼浪侬有生以来第一趟穿起了旗袍 on my wedding day you wore a cheongsam for the first time
落暴雨个夜到侬捏紧笼头推脚踏车送宝宝 in the stormy night you wheeled the bicycle to pick up my baby
从窗口头侬伸出头一边挥手一边叫我名字 from the window you waved your hands while calling my name
勒我结婚之前侬拨了我侬存了多年个钞票 before my wedding you gave me the money that you saved for years
侬讲“小人 我真个只能拨侬介许多了 you said “boy, I could only give you this much
我总归还要为自家留一眼钞票 养老~ I hvae to leave some to my own to provide for my old age”
★ 忘了你忘了我
★ 哈啰
★ 坚持到底
★ 四季
★ 离别
★ 四季
★ 坚持到底
★ 回家
★ 哈啰
★ 坚持到底